orchids we grow
Southern California
orchid growers are blessed with (mostly) moderate temperatures throughout the
year, allowing many orchids to be grown outdoors. In fact, fully 40% of OSSC
members don't have a greenhouse! The photos on these pages are all examples of
plants that have been grown in Southern California, both in and out of
greenhouses, and come from the
OSSC flickr group,
which is open to all Southern California orchid enthusiasts. By default, the
"most interesting" photos are presented first. (Note: the degree of
"interestingness" is determined by flickr's proprietary methodology.)
There are 1290 photos in the
OSSC flickr group.
Results Per Page:
Sorted by:
interestingness, date uploaded
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 Acianthera(Pleurothallis) pectinata 'Champagne Bubbles' CCM/AOS, CBR/AOS, CCE/AOS by orchid dude |  Acianthera(Pleurothallis) pectinata 'Champagne Bubbles' CCM/AOS, CBR/AOS, CCE/AOS by orchid dude |  Acianthera(Pleurothallis) pectinata 'Champagne Bubbles' CCM/AOS, CBR/AOS, CCE/AOS by orchid dude |  Acianthera(Pleurothallis) pectinata 'Champagne Bubbles' CCM/AOS, CBR/AOS, CCE/AOS by orchid dude |  Acianthera(Pleurothallis) pectinata 'Champagne Bubbles' CCM/AOS, CBR/AOS, CCE/AOS by orchid dude |  Phragmipedium sedenii by Una simple mortal... |  Paphiopedilum Screaming Eagle by orchid dude |  Moth Orchid by Mek0nr |  Paphiopedilum venustum by =Anubis= |  Slc Mango Spice by orchid dude |  Masdevallia mejiana by orchid dude |  Masdevallia mejiana by orchid dude |  Slc Dream Cloud 'Sparkler' by orchid dude |  Slc Dream Cloud 'Sparkler' by orchid dude |  Tolumnia Genting Sunshine by orchid dude |  Orchids 60. by Alexandra Rudge.California life! |  “Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy” by Alexandra Rudge.California life! |  Happy birthday Lucinha! by Alexandra Rudge.California life! |  Happy birthday Susi! by Alexandra Rudge.California life! |  Orchid close-up. by Alexandra Rudge.California life! |  The lonely orchid. by Alexandra Rudge.California life! |  Paphiopedilum venustum var alba by orchid dude |  Paphiopedilum venustum var alba by orchid dude |  Restrepia cuprea by orchid dude |
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